water balance
Water balance is not such
a complicated exercise. It is simply the relationships of
different chemical parameters to each other. Your water is
constantly changing. Anything and everything directly and
indirectly affects water balance - from sunlight, wind and
rain to the oil, dirt and cosmetics which may enter the
You will likely not change the water in your pool for many
years. Continuous filtration and disinfection remove
contaminants which keep the water enjoyable, but this is
not water balance. A pool that is "balanced" has proper
levels of pH, Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness. It may
also be defined as water that is neither corrosive or
scaling. This concept is derived from the fact that water
will dissolve and "hold" minerals until it becomes
saturated and cannot hold any more water in solution. When
water is considerably less than saturated it is said to be
in a corrosive or aggressive condition. When water is over
saturated, and can no longer hold the minerals in solution;
this is known as a scaling condition. So then, balanced
water is that which is neither over or under saturated. The
cliché that "water seeks its own level" certainly applies
here. Water which is under saturated will attempt to
saturate itself by dissolving everything in contact with it
in order to build up its content. Water which is over
saturated will attempt to throw off some of its content by
precipitating minerals out of solution in the form of
How do we know when our water is over or under saturated?
First of all, we use a good test kit (with fresh testing
reagents) to measure the chemical parameters of pH,
alkalinity and calcium hardness.
pH is a measure of how acidic or basic the water is. pH is
a logarithmic scale from 0-14, with 7 being neutral. Below
7, a substance is defined as being acidic, while levels
above 7 are said to be basic or alkaline. Everything that
enters your pool has a pH value. Heard of acid rain? This
is rainfall with a very low pH. The human eye, at a pH
value of 7.35, is just slightly basic. This is
coincidentally, in range with proper pH levels for your
pool. To have pH in balance, we adjust the water with
additions of pH increasers (bases) or pH decreasers (acids)
to achieve the range of 7.2 - 7.8. If your testing
(recommended daily) of the water shows a pH value below
7.2, the water is in an corrosive (acidic) condition, and
we need to add a base to bring the pH into a more basic
range and prevent corrosion. Conversely, if the pH is above
7.8, we are in a scaling (basic) condition and must add an
acid to bring down the pH to prevent the formation of
A close cousin of pH, the level of alkalinity in the water
is a measurement of all the carbonates, bicarbonates,
hydroxides and other alkaline substances found in the pool
water. pH is alkaline dependent; that is, alkalinity is
defined as the ability of the water to resist changes in
pH. Also known as the buffering capacity of the water,
alkalinity keeps the pH from "bouncing" all over the place.
Low alkalinity is raised by the addition of a base (just
like pH); sodium bicarbonate is commonly used. High levels
of alkalinity are lowered by the addition of an acid
(again, just like pH). Experts recommend "pooling" the acid
in a small area of low current for a greater effect on
alkalinity. That is, adding an acid will lower both pH and
alkalinity. Walking the acid around the pool, in a highly
distributed manner is said to have a greater effect
lowering the pH than the alkalinity. Pooling the acid has
the opposite effect. A very important component of water
balance, alkalinity should be maintained in the 80-120 ppm
range for gunite and concrete pools, and 125-170 ppm for
painted, vinyl and fiberglass pools. Levels should be
tested weekly.
When we speak of scale, we are talking about Calcium
Carbonate, which has come out of solution and deposited
itself on surfaces. It is a combination of carbonate ions,
a part of Total Alkalinity and Calcium, a part of the
Calcium Hardness level. The test for Calcium Hardness is a
measure of how hard or soft the water is. Hard water can
have high levels of calcium and magnesium. If these levels
are too high, the water becomes saturated and will throw
off excess particles out of solution, which then seek to
deposit themselves on almost any surface inside the pool.
This is calcium carbonate scale, a whitish, crystallized
rough spot. If the levels are too low, the water is under
saturated. The water becomes aggressive as it attempts to
obtain the calcium it needs. Such soft water will actually
corrode surfaces inside the pool which contain calcium and
other minerals to maintain its hardness demand. If your
Calcium Hardness levels are too high, you can use TSP to
lower the levels, or a product called Hydroquest. It can
also be accomplished by dilution (adding water to the pool
which has a lower calcium hardness content). Levels which
are too low require the addition of calcium chloride.
Recommended range for calcium hardness is 200 - 400 ppm.
Levels should be tested weekly.
The Saturation
Also called the Langelier Index, this chemical equation or
formula is used to diagnose the water balance in the pool.
The formula is SI = pH+TF+CF+AF-12.1. To calculate the
Saturation Index, test the water for pH, temperature,
calcium hardness and total alkalinity. Refer to a chart for
assigned values for your temperature, hardness and
alkalinity readings and add these to your pH value.
Subtract 12.1, which is the constant value assigned to
Total Dissolved Solids, and a resultant number will be
produced. A result between -0.3 and +0.5 is said to
indicate balanced water. Results outside of these
parameters require adjustment to one or more chemical
components to achieve balance. This formula is not
foolproof, however. Some readings for pH, calcium and
alkalinity which, taken individually would be considered to
be well beyond recommendations, can combine within the
formula to produce "balanced water", when it just ain't so.
Regardless, the SI can be used to pinpoint potential water
balance problems.
Information provided courtesy of my friends at